phpMemcachedAdmin : Release Notes & Roadmap
Version 1.3.0 : In development
- Changed from deprecated Google Graphs to Highchart, this upgrade fix #15 & #16
- Improved performances
- Fixing issue #19 : Lots of undefined indexes when running start page
- Fixing issue #21 : Key URLs not encoded
- Added search and delete cache item by RegExp on cache item key
- Added GZip support for compressed values with gzuncompress()
Version 1.2.2 : 30/05/2012
- Added help to a lot of stats and configuration value
- Resized server list
- Improved performances
- New Version check system
- Fixing an issue on Mac OS (About fonts and CSS)
- Fixing issue #11 : invalid stats and graphics
- Added Memcached 1.4.8 Hash Table stats
- Added touch stats
- Added expired_unfetched & evicted_unfetched stats
- Added incr and decr commands
- Added case insensitive search
Version 1.2.1 : 09/04/2011
- Fixing issue #10 : invalid encoding on return command
Version 1.2.0 : 06/04/2011
- Improved code, improved error handling
- Improved look & feel
- Added cluster support
- Removed the 'All Servers' options
Live Stats
- Added cache size, ping
- Corrected hit ratio
- Added a legend for every value
- Better handling of connection errors when doing request to server
Servers Stats
- Correcting uptime and version when viewing multiples servers (see
- Added flush_all stats
- Better Cache Size graphic (with used, wasted and free) (see
- Added max connection error
- Added list of a cluster servers with version and uptime
- Added configuration values with some help when viewing a single server
- Compatibility with Memcached < 1.4.0
Slabs Stats
- Now in four columns (up from three)
- Added a "Slab allocated but not used" message
Items List
- Added the infinite lifetime
- Added a Console to show results (Loading, clear console, ...)
- Added a "Execute a telnet command" part
- Added an experimental "Search a key" part
Version 1.1.3 : 18/05/2010
- Fixed the live stats initializing based on refresh time
- Fixed some slabs not displayed
Version 1.1.2 : 06/05/2010
- Fixed the 1.0 rates in live stats
- Added the version number
Version 1.1.1 : 19/04/2010
- Added the reclaimed stats and reclaimed rate (New in Memcached 1.4.5)
- Added the eviction rate
- Added a "Are you sure ?" for flush_all command
- Fixed the eviction rate bug on live stats
- Fixed the PECL Memcache/Memcached API bug with get commands
- Fixed the flush_all link not working from slabs stats
Version 1.1.0 : 14/04/2010
- Support of multiple instance of Memcached on same server
- Page to execute get, set, delete or flush_all on one or all servers
- Live stats : a top-like stats tools
- Configuration page to update your configuration without editing an ini file
- Various improvements and fixes
Version 1.0.0 : 01/04/2010
- First public release