
Various versions of Memcached for Windows

This post contains various binaries versions of Memcached for Windows as finding some of them may be difficult. Memcached 1.2.X Memcached 1.2.4 for Windows (32 Bits) : memcached 1.2.4 Memcached 1.2.5 for Windows...


Write file manipulation cross-platform PHP code

As we use Windows computers to develop our PHP scripts and Linux servers in production, we must be careful about what we use in our PHP script, especially when manipulating files. A lot of...


Memcached 1.4.5 for Windows

  Update 2013 : Memcached Windows Build from 1.2 to 1.5 You can find other various build of Memcached for Windows on this post NorthScale has built and posted packages of Memcached server version...


Using Memcached on Windows and Memcached telnet interface

How to install & run Memcached on Windows Download package from Unzip to your desired directory (c:\memcached_win32\ in my example) Add memcached to the Windows services from the command line Then you can...